“Addressing demographic challenges – together, in Europe”
in the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences
(Trg Marka Marulića 19, Zagreb)
The objective of the conference is to provide a joint Hungarian-Croatian platform to reflect on one of the main priorities of the EU Council Presidency of Hungary – demographic challenges in Europe and the connection between demography and the competitiveness of the EU. As a unique attempt to summon the two countries’ governmental and academic stakeholders, the conference shall also constitute a forum to share country-specific analyses, public policy solutions and schemes on demographic policy. The event is built on the underlying fact that addressing demographic problems, both on national and European level, has high political recognition and support in both countries.
10.30 Registration
11.00 Opening speeches:
Mr. Željko Holjevac prof. dr. sc., Director of the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences
Mrs. Tünde Fűrész, President of the Maria Kopp Institute for Demography and Families
11.30 Keynote speeches:
Mrs. Željka Josić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Demography and Immigration of the Republic of Croatia (tbc)
Mrs. Zsófia Koncz, State Secretary for Family Policy, Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary (tbc)
12.00 Coffee break
12.30-14.00 Professional presentations
Dr. sc. Nikola Šimunić, Institute for Migration Research (IMIN), Zagreb: “Croatian and Hungarian Regions in the Demographic Challenges of the EU”
Mr. Árpád Mészáros, Maria Koop Institute, Budapest: “Context of the Demographic Challenge in Europe in the process of strengthening the national family policy systems “
Dr. sc. Nenad Pokos and dr.sc. Rebeka Mesaric Žabčić, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences; Zagreb: “Existing family policy measures in Croatia”
Dr. sc Krešimir Ivanda, Faculty of Economics, Zagreb: “Women’s status in the Labor Market within the Context of Contemporary Demographic Policy”
Mr. András Pári, Maria Koop Institute, Budapest: “The role of relationship in terms of childbearing intentions”
Dr. sc. Monika Komušanec, Faculty of Croatian Studies, Zagreb: “Contemporary External Migration Patterns in the Republic of Croatia”
Dr. sc. Ivo Turk, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb: “Challenges of Revitalization of depopulated RuralAreas – The example of Žumberak”
Mr. András Székely, Maria Koop Institute, Budapest: “Newest research findings on the role of mental health in demographic changes”
Moderator: Mrs. Mirjana Paić Jurinić, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb
14.00-14.30 Buffet lunch